Dream Boudoir Photography - Toronto Vancouver for Women surrealist portrait

In art, there’s technique for creating an illusion of three-dimensions (depth and space) on a two-dimensional (flat) surface. This technique is called Perspective Art, for this is what makes a painting seem to have form, distance, and look “real.”

In Western art, the most common form of linear perspective was developed in the early 15th century. Using straight lines to plot the view, this system was used by the Renaissance artist Leon Battista Alberti and architect Filippo Brunelleschi. They are also credited with the “invention” of linear perspective. Alberti’s book “On Painting” published in 1435 has theoretical written in it. In art and architecture, we still use Alberti’s one-vanishing-point system.

When learning how to paint, perspective is possibly the most feared aspect. The mere idea of “perspective” makes many artists tremor. Though it is not the rules of perspective that are hard to learn but the consistent application to every bit of art that’s challenging and requires mastery. An accomplished artist will have the patience to check the perspective as the painting progresses, and to take the time to adjust it.

What we are talking about today is not the architectural linear perspective, but instead, perspective of the soul.

There are many ways to look at a photograph — they’re our mirrors, our inspiration, our nostalgia, our story.

Dream Boudoir Photography - Toronto Vancouver for Women surrealist portrait

When I create these powerful boudoir photos in my Mississauga studio or Vancouver studio, I am elevating women from looking at themselves from a “normal” view point to a “high” view point. Appreciating every curve: be it a smile or the body, celebrating every roll, every stretch mark, every scar, showing off the internal truth of your being is what I do best. Your story of love, life, struggle, and success.

Dream Boudoir Photography - Toronto Vancouver for Women surrealist portrait

But when I am creating these specific surrealist portraits, I’m creating your character and your story from imagination (rather than observation). Observation has its value, as you can see in the bulk of my photography mastery, but this surrealist portraiture gives imagination a next level push to serve one purpose: To suspend the linearity of time i.e. past, present, future — and merge it all together in one classic masterpiece.

The past is who you were, what you learned, what you loved, what you changed.

The future is who you will be, what you want to be, and your dreams.

The present is where you are now: ALL of your emotions, positive or negative, all of your struggles that you did or did not overcome, all of it.

Dream Boudoir Photography - Toronto Vancouver for Women surrealist portrait

The surrealist approach unites all of it in to a TIMELESS piece of handcrafted portraiture, printed on handmade archival Italian wall art to truly convey the rawness and the realness of this unrealistic art piece. We are bending space and time, showing the gamut of a lived woman’s experience, and telling stories of freedom regained, love acclaimed, battles lost and wars that are won, all one digital brush stroke at a time.


Dream Boudoir Photography - Toronto Vancouver for Women surrealist portrait

This artwork is not about dualities or body image or genres, it is only about creating a beautiful chaos with rough edges because that is what all women grow up to become. Some just polish it well, while others have learned to fly barefoot.

Dream Boudoir Photography - Toronto Vancouver for Women surrealist portrait

The process is simple and complicated. This art piece or series is usually a part of your Dream Boudoir or Portrait session. This session will require a video meeting after our initial consultation and booking. Together we will create an idea and bring it to life in my studio when you come for your session. We will discuss various ways you want to display these one of a kind custom art pieces to remind you of your essence every single day and for you to tell your story without words.

I invite you into this world of perspective with me where you will see the you in all your essence.

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