You heard about it, thought about it, and got curious.
You’re thinking am I thin enough? Am I sexy enough? Am I good-looking enough?
Would people think I’m vain? Is it going to be awkward? Am I allowed to do this?
First off, I want you to stop thinking about all the myths and excuses and concentrate on what a boudoir photography session means for you — because you are here, reading for a reason.
This is such an intimate and personal photo shoot that there is no one-size-fits-all. Every shoot is as unique as the woman who wants to do it. So let’s dive in and explore 13 of those many, many reasons!

You’re blossoming into a new, strong, compassionate, and badass woman with every passing day. Age may just be nothing but a number but that does not discount all the experiences, the good and the bad, that you have seen and been through to shape you into the confidence powerhouse that you are today.
Give yourself this special treat and book a shoot to celebrate your milestone birthday!

Celebrate being comfortable in your own skin. Honor yourself by being able to love every curve, every inch of the “plus” that the society has tagged you with. Celebrate the fact that you owe no one an explanation for being a hot bombshell, and rock it. Dare to wear that crop top with those sexy lace undies and let’s photograph you so you can say eff off to a cookie-cutter view of “beauty standards” the society has.

I was born and raised in Pakistan, a seriously sexually and morally regressive society where it is routine for women to be blamed for violence committed against them, be it acid being thrown in their face for turning down a guy, domestic violence, or even rape. As someone who has a degree in Human Development & Social Relations, I have seen a trend that almost everywhere women are taught to be ashamed of their sexuality and their bodies from a very young age. Where “modesty” is not a choice but an expectation and not fulfilling that expectation will leave a woman open to verbal and sometimes even physical abuse and attack. But does that mean we do not have the DESIRE to be sexy? To explore our sexuality?
Of course, we do!
So do this boudoir shoot because you want to let your hair feel the breeze. Do this shoot because you like the way the sun feels on your legs or knowing that only you can decide who sees your sensual photos. It’s time to break out of the constant feeling like your own skin is your biggest burden.
Do this to empower the feminist that’s inside you.

Girl, I get it! I have a two-year-old and I don’t even remember who I was during that very hard first year. Between breastfeeding, bathing the baby, changing diapers, preparing to cleanup-after the baby, after each new milestones discovery, AND finally returning to work, moms don’t only get mentally exhausted but also struggle with the issues of self-doubt sometimes to the point when you end up having a hard time recognizing yourself in the mirror. I know hard it is to see the stretch marks, changed breasts, and still feel that you are desirable, sexy, and beautiful. Especially those of you who have raised or are raising multiple children, hats-off to you!
But it is also important to take out the time for yourself and get out of the rut. Give yourself a day where you will be pampered, glammed, and the center of all attention will be you. AND you will have photographs you will be in love with to remind you of the fact that you still got it all girl, you still got it all!

We have a very long way to go before research into women’s health is completed. But, in the meantime, it does not mean that we stop acknowledging that there are warrior women amongst us. That there are women who have overcome so much more than some of us cannot even imagine going through. And, honestly, it does not even need to be just a physical illness. There are also mental health issues like depression, bipolar disorder, and so on that are also challenging and a daily struggle and fight.
Soon I will be putting up a video of a lovely woman who came to my studio to document her journey of self-love after bipolar medication made her go up a few sizes. She was in tears because during the photo shoot she realized how happy she is that she came in did this because now she has finally started accepting and loving herself regardless of an arbitrary mark of a dress size.
My studio is a safe space and you are in charge of your photoshoot. Do this to remind yourself of your triumphs. That you are a survivor. That you are doing all that you can to live a healthy life. Do this for nothing but to keep your memories to look back on when you need inspiration for strength when life gets tough.

Married, getting married, anniversary, their birthday, or simply spicing things up — gifting him/her/them your beautiful, tasteful, and sexy intimate pictures in an Italian-made luxury album presented in a glass box is the ultimate thing to do. There is literally no other gift like a boudoir photoshoot which SCREAMS “personalized.” And from personal experience, I know that you will definitely be appreciated for the thought put into it 😉
So use this excuse and do it for you — and them!

Hectic day job or a 24/7 entrepreneur roster — I hear you! Churning out the results expected of you and having to be dressed all-day, every day in a uniform; be it a nurse’s pair of slacks or the CEO combo from Saks — you feel like you are not flaunting your sexy enough and feeling a bit overworked. Then THIS DAY is for you.
Whether you are a high maintenance boss lady with pre-booked manicure appointments for the whole year or the only time you go to a salon is for your yearly haircut, a boudoir shoot will remind you that care needs to be about you and yourself before you go out there and give your whole to the rest of the world. Your photo shoot is an art process where you can strip down to just eye-liner for makeup or get glammed up like Beyoncé.
This is a time that is JUST FOR YOU. No need to have the constant pressure to perform for the world. Just seeing yourself the way you want to be seen — this is why you need the boudoir experience.

You felt like you needed to make some changes in your lifestyle to fulfill your personal goals and that included watching what you eat and living at the gym (practically). But now you have all those abs and nowhere to go? WRONG! You have my all-female Toronto boudoir studio to go to so we can record how goddamn proud you are for doing what was necessary for your own growth and happiness. And that you really have kicked ass and become this new person! Congratulations, girl!

Bachelorette party or it just has been too long since you all did something fun together — that was also Instagram-worthy! How about we design a boudoir party for you and your besties and make a whole day of glam and beauty out of it? Urgh, it will be ridiculously AMAZING! I’m getting excited just thinking about all the manicure parties of pre-planning and a super-fun supermodel photoshoot experience! Let’s get creative, my ladies!

TW: Trauma, sexual abuse
A ridiculously big number of women, including myself, have experienced some form of sexual abuse, be it verbal harassment or physical trauma of sexual assault. I know what it does to a woman and her sexuality. I know and I understand how hard it becomes to constantly fight through it all: the catcalls, the unintentional triggers, the memories that you just can’t seem to run away from. But healing has to begin somewhere if we are to stop letting the abuser feel powerful. Because sexual assault and harassment are first and foremost about power.
I learned it early on that I have to take charge of my own sexuality and not let them decide and tarnish all my experiences and my opinion of myself. Where medical and legal aids are there to help you heal, do not discount this experience of being in an all-female, SAFE SPACE of my studio where you can feel okay about bringing your sexy out and feel pride, joy, and a step in the right direction towards healing when you hold your beautiful and sexually charged, tasteful images in your hands to remind you that there is help out there. There are people who believe you. And that you are bigger and more powerful despite the trauma, despite the challenges.
I would be so honored to be a part of your healing because, girl, #MeToo.

We’ve already talked about how a luxury boudoir album is literally the best gift ever you can give to your partner but let’s dive a little deeper into a themed boudoir shoot!
The sexy reds of Christmas make it the best surprise under the tree (it’s recommended that you give this gift a little bit more privately if you have children at home or find that your mom is visiting for the holidays ;)). The same reds are the biggest staple for Valentine’s day!
Every year, for these two occasions, I do a special set design that is dedicated to having women like you come in to experience a festive celebration of love and light! These sessions get booked up months in advance so make sure you book your spot WELL before Christmas and Valentine’s Day.

“We need to talk.” We have all been there. No matter the “label,” divorce, intense breakups, betrayal, it all sucks. But this is EXACTLY the reason you gotta get up and put all of your sexy on that whole-lotta woman. Because, girl, once you prove it to yourself that it’s YOUR TIME to shine, that sexy thang at the bar will also see that in you 😉 Or do this boudoir photo shoot to update your Tinder profile!

Maybe this year didn’t go as well as you planned it. Or some things fell in place while others didn’t. Maybe you had an epiphany to change direction.
Whatever it is, doing an intimate and tasteful boudoir photo shoot is bound to make you feel great about yourself and push you to set your eyes on the new beginnings; — it’s time to empower yourself to celebrate the sexy, confident, strong, marvelous, brilliant, fierce, and beautiful woman that you are.
Let’s celebrate your new beginnings together, my girl!